Tag Archive: Abdominal

Sorry for the lack of posts, the week hasn’t been that exciting with my workouts. I had 2 good runs in this week, and some weight training but other than that nothing spectacular.  Michelle continues to show me new exercises every time we train which is great because there is no monotony.  She did say that if you do some key exercises for abs you will see a difference in no time. So let me share with you:

  1. Hold a 25lb plate, legs hip width apart and without moving hips twist side to side. She had me do 40 of these.
  2. Laying on floor with knees bent, crunch up and lift your booty up. It is a simple crunch nothing fancy but I did feel it as long as you concentrate to suck those abs in during the exercise, which may have been my problem in the past.
  3. This is another easy one. While on the floor legs straight up. Hold one dumbbell, a hand on each end, arms extended over head. Crunch up off the ground and try to touch your toes, back down and repeat. Remember hole that tummy in.

Losing my breath

This weekend was fantabulous! I woke up early on Saturday and ran 2 miles, then walked a lot around the Charles River in Boston. Of course all the food I ate this weekend probably negated all my extra exercise: hot pretzel, deep dish pizza, chocolate anniversary cake, McDonald’s on the drive up.  My husband was great with the cake his mother got us, we both took a slice and he said the rest is going in the garbage. I got to enjoy that extra million calorie slice of gooey fudgy chocolate delight with a huge glass of milk and not go back for seconds.

Today i walked up the stairs at work and i was huffing a little, I thought what is this all about. I am running now i should not be huffing, it wasnt that bad but i had to do quick breathing to gain my breath. Maybe im not pushing myself enough to build my lungs-who knows. it definitely gives me some more motivation. I was just not feeling the run today, it was raining and i just did what i could on the dreadmill as one of my readers put it.

I still have not begun any ab work, I just never feel like doing it. Maybe tomorrow. I need to figure out a weight lifting schedule as well, so while my running burns the fat I can build some muscle. Also thinking of buying the Weight Watchers body fat scale. I saw it at BB&B, I may go with some coupons and just buy it so i can monitor myself more closely. Also another thing i noticed in my Shape and Fitness magazines is that when they do the profile of the weight loss stories from women, they all seem to do 5 days of cardio. So i wonder should I be running 5 days + a week. Do I really need to rest? something to think about.