This morning I was feeling my best in the running department, even with a few gulps of Gatorade. Apparently the electrolytes weren’t be replenished, who knows. In any case, I ran for probably 3 miles and walked on an incline for a mile. I completed this in about 48 minutes which gave me roughly 6 activity points. I really think that was my big motivator. It’s funny because now I don’t know if I am being motivated by doing another half marathon. What I have realized in the last few weeks is that I am content with 6 mile a day runs. I don’t need to overdue the time or mileage anymore. I know I was attracted to the half at first because it sounded like such an accomplishment, which it was last year. But now I am more along the lines of just running 10k’s and I think I would be pretty satisfied with that decision. So that is the latest news in my running diaries.

This morning I had a hungry gal breakfast…well points wise at 9 points. But it’s ok because I just clocked in 6 points for food. I measured my activity points with moderate because of the walking, I figured better to underplay the activity points then over count them.  SO breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled(4 plus points-still surprised that an egg has 2 points), veggie burger meat(2 plus points-I was in the mood for sausage so I figured a veggie burger is the next best thing), slide of Kraft American cheese(2 points), and 1 point for 4oz of regular Snapple. The thing I am most happy about is being able to drink my Snapple, and just a little fulfills me since it has so much sugar.

Tomorrow I have a weight training session with Michelle.