RUN: Today, I ran for 20 minutes and followed it up with 15 min on the elliptical. Not one of my sensational 6mile+runs but I still burned some calories.  I have 2 months to go for this half marathon and still haven’t cracked 8 miles. I need to crank it up and get moving.  I looked at the calendar and I think I have plenty of time, but still worried about it. I guess worse comes to worse I will walk what I can’t run, but I really want to run as much as I can.

 EAT: I started counting points this week, not so difficult. Of course I have a spreadsheet with formulas to make it easier.  And the best part is that running for 60 min buys me almost 4 more points, but then I wonder would you lose that much if you ate what you just burned-probably not. Since I am a dessert person I will tell you my favorite WW dessert which I have been eating for years: CAPPUCCINO LATTE popsicles and the strawberry ones are yummy too. These things taste just like my coolatta’s, which by the way I haven’t had in 2 weeks or so. They are under 100 calories and only one point, I still think it’s a misprint but it’s true 1 point.

 DRINK: I think I kicked the soda habit! Yeah!! Since Sunday I have had only the half can of soda I had on Monday. I am very excited that I haven’t had any soda in 3 days.  I have drunk so much lemon water I think I am going to turn into a lemonhead. I just heard one of my cubical neighbors cracking open a can of soda. I miss that sound. I think the whole soda thing is just a ritual, like I need to drink a soda to replace boredom or to replace my hand being empty in a meeting and a soda is easier to carrier. WHO KNOWS as I sip the lemony water sitting on my desk.