So the day after my thursday workout I woke up with neck pain. The pole behind the neck ab exercises flashed through my mind.  I went to the Chiro for a mini scolding about how 3 car accidents in 1 yr equals ligament damage hence I am not allowed to do any an exercises without neck support.  Monday night I informed Ally of the latest news and she sighed but then said don’t worry we will make adjustments.  So our 30 min ab session began. :O

Planks were first then a variation of going from elbows to palms and back to elbows in plank position. I was doing well. Then I sat on a bench and did sit ups while Ally pushed down on my shoulders as I pushed up. This was hard on my lower back. Then we moved to the floor for 45 degree leg raise holds, this was kind of easy holding my legs up for 30 seconds I think. Next was the roman chair, the machine that has been giving me problems since I started this She-ra journey.  Well guess what? I was able to do 15 reps holding a weight with my feet totally suprised myself.  The second set was another story, I started sliding to the grown and couldn’t hold myself up to lift my legs up. I started getting a little frustrated that maybe this is too challenging for the newbie that I am, but then I thought well I am sure this chick has trained tons of people and knows when enough is enough. So I dragged my feet to the last machine, which was basically that crunch sitting machine but the angle was adjustable so i was practically laying down having to defy gravity and lift up. I was hating these, because I felt it a lot in my shoulders and upper back. Ally said relax your shoulders, yeah easy for her to say. I really don’t feel these were at all beneficial. After I complained about my shoulders back she brought me to the ground where I did leg lifts. Much better than that previous exercise.

So Wednesday night I go for my almost one month evaluation. I am excited to see if I lost any inches and any body fat %.  The scale has been playing games going up or down the same 2 -3 pounds. So I am hoping for the inches since I know I haven’t lost any poundage.